Category Archives: Uncategorized

Gambit wins national blitz championship 2023

Gambit successfully defended their team title at the national blitz championship in Schifflange on 21 May 2023, finishing clear first ahead of Differdange and Dudelange. GMF Narmin Khalafova finished with a perfect score of 14/14, while other Gambit I members … Continue reading

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A championship season more in Black than in White

The teams national championship season just ended with Gambit I not performing as expected. :-/ Better luck in 2023/2024. Congratulations to Chess club De Sprénger Echternach for their second national title in a row! On the positive side, all our … Continue reading

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Bonnevoie at the European Club Championship 2022 in Mayrhofen, Austria

CE Gambit Bonnevoie participated in the European Club Cup 2022 held in October 2022 in Mayrhofen, Austria. This top event, which saw the participation of Carlsen, Anand and Rapport among others, was won by Novy Bor from the Czech Republic.  … Continue reading

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Double champion title for Stefan Maltezeanu

Who is the best player in Luxembourg when it comes to short time controls? The blitz and rapid national championships, played on 2 and 3 July in Diekirch, gave an unanimous verdict: Stefan Maltezeanu, of course. The Blitz championship saw … Continue reading

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Blitz team champions 2022

After a 2-year long Covid-19 break the Blitz team national championship, as usual excellently organized by TSM Schëffleng, is back. Gambit1 (S. Dishman, Maltezeanu, Bjarnason, Bednarich) is national champion, ahead of Differdange1 and Schifflange1. Gambit2 (Basinas, M. Dishman, Vijups, Reiff) … Continue reading

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National team championship: Gambit Bonnevoie says au revoir to the trophy

Our first team ended the 2021/2022 top-fight season unbeaten scoring 6/7, but the tie-breaker favoured new champions Echternach, with Differdange finishing third. The last round of the national championship brought bitter news, as Bonnevoie II could not avoid relegation. In … Continue reading

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Konstantinos Basinas scores 7/7 to win U16 national championship, bronze medal for U14 Mark Alex Maiquez

Konstantinos Basinas won the Luxembourg national championship, held from 11 to 14 April 2022 in Schifflange, with a 100% score in the U16 section. Konstantinos, the only representative from Gambit Bonnevoie, convincingly dominated a field of 16 young players. Warmest … Continue reading

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Chess courses in Ukrainian language

Chess courses in Ukrainian language Chess Club Gambit Bonnevoie Luxembourg is offering free chess courses for children in Ukrainian language (beginner level) on Mondays and Thursdays from 17:30 to 19:00 in the premises of Hall Omnisports, rue Gangler Luxembourg. The … Continue reading

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Gambit Bonnevoie at the European Chess Club Cup 2021

Gambit Bonnevoie is ranked 23 out of 38 participating teams at the European Chess Club Cup 2021, which is taking place in Struga on Lake Ohrid (North Macedonia) from 18 to 24 September 2021. Our representatives GM Vitaly Kunin, IM … Continue reading

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Cours d’échecs saison 2021-2022

Vous trouverez toutes les infos à propos des cours d’échecs organisés par Gambit Bonnevoie pour la nouvelle saison à la page Cours d’échecs. You will find all the info concerning the chess courses organised by Gambit Bonnevoie on our website at … Continue reading

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Chess in Gambit stops due to coronavirus

Dear Members, The chess championship and our courses are suspended until further notice. Gambit Bonnevoie Committee

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Chess for your mind

Chess is a stimulating game for any mind. It requires self-control, management of emotions, courage and creativity. Importantly, it helps develop analytic thinking and logical reasoning. Chess Club Gambit Bonnevoie offers chess courses for young players and adults. More details.

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International Solving Contest 2019 in Luxembourg

Sunday, 27 January 2019 at 11:00 a.m. The International Solving Contest (ISC) is a chess problem solving competition centrally organised by the World Federation for Chess Composition ( It is for individual solvers and takes place in multiple places worldwide … Continue reading

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Cours d’échecs saison 2020- 2021

Vous trouverez toutes les infos à propos des cours d’échecs organisés par Gambit Bonnevoie à la page Cours d’échecs. You will find all the info concerning the chess courses organised by Gambit Bonnevoie on our website at the following page: Cours d’échecs.

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Belle performance des Grands Maîtres Viktor Erdős et Matej Šebenik au Championnat d’Europe du jeu d’échecs

En dépit d’un début très prometteur l’équipe nationale hongroise n’a pas réussi à remporter de médaille au Championnat d’Europe des échecs en Grèce ( et a dû se contenter de la cinquième place, une finale au goût amer pour nos … Continue reading

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Les échecs au … chocolat

Envie de manger quelques pions, des chevaliers ou peut-être un fou?   Désormais c’est possible grâce aux créations du maître Toni Hasani. Une délice à goûter sans modération pour gagner aisément des points Elo! Contact:

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1/4 de Finales de la coupe de la Fédération

Succès complet (100 % des points possibles) pour les 2 équipes de Bonnevoie !! Félicitations ! ERR – BON a 4 – 12 (victoires de Jon Trevi, Driton Hasani, Pit Reiff et Halit Haka) ECH b – BON b 4 … Continue reading

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