Category Archives: Chess news

Actualités du monde des échecs

WGM Elvira Berend wins the Small Nations Championship 2024

Warmest congratulations to Elvira Berend who just won the Small Nations Women’s Chess Championship 2024! The 5th European Small Nations Individual Chess Championship and the 2nd European Small Nations Women’s Chess Championship took place from 22 to 30 June Andorra … Continue reading

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Gambit at the European Club Championship 2021 online

Gambit’s squad and Le Cavalier Differdange are participating in the ECC 2021 organized by the Chess Federation of Monaco. Our representatives GM Petar Arnaudov, IM François Godart, FM Andy Maréchal, Steve Dishman, FM Jan Bednarich, Michael Schwerteck are in qualification … Continue reading

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Coronavirus spread incoronates Gambit national team champions

The Luxembourg chess federation (FLDE) has decided to truncate the season due to the coronavirus outbreak. Bonnevoie I have been declared Champions based on their 6.5/7 score in the completed first phase of the national championship.   While there is … Continue reading

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Gambit – Luxembourg Rapid Chess Champions

The Gambit team was victorious in the Luxembourg Rapid Team Chess Championship, organised by TSM Schëffleng, which took place on 1 December. In this 13-team event, the Gambit team – comprising, in each round, four of the five-player squad of … Continue reading

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Battles on the chessboard in the town of Cervantes’s captivity

The European Chess Club Cup 2019, Ulcinj, Montenegro, 9-16 November, has been dominated by Obiettivo Rinascimento Padova from Italy (GMs Rapport, Adams, Lekó, Vallejo Pons, Šarić, Vocaturo, Brunello, rating average: 2686), ahead of Nový Bor from the Czech Republic and Mednyi … Continue reading

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Stefan Maltezeanu at the World Junior Chess Championship 2019

Gambit’s Stefan Maltezeanu represented Luxembourg at the World Junior Chess Championship  in Delhi, India, from 14 to 26 October 2019.   Stefan acquired valuable experience, scoring 4.5 points amidst strong international competition after allowing more than one lucky escape to his … Continue reading

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Umberto Cerasi wins the Coupe de la commune de Bettembourg

Gambit’s Umberto Cerasi clinches the title in Bettembourg scoring 6/7 ahead of Stanislas Loiret (Metz) and Steve Dishman (Gambit Bonnevoie).

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International Solving Contest 2019 in Luxembourg

Sunday, 27 January 2019 at 11:00 a.m. The International Solving Contest (ISC) is a chess problem solving competition centrally organised by the World Federation for Chess Composition ( It is for individual solvers and takes place in multiple places worldwide … Continue reading

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Nouveau site Esch Rochade Reine

Le club d’échecs Esch Rochade Reine a un nouveau site et une nouvelle adresse du site web: L’ancien adresse étant utilisée par un club de tennis japonais … Je ne me rappele pas comment était l’ancien site, mais le nouveau … Continue reading

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Entraînements pour la saison 2013/2014 en ligne

Les entraînements pour jeunes et adultes pour la saison 2013/2014 sont disponible en ligne. Vous trouverez tous les détails ainsi que le formulaire d’inscription à la page Cours d’échecs. Pour les dates, veuillez consulter le calendrier. The trainings for youth … Continue reading

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Calendrier FLDE saison 2013/2014 disponible en ligne

La saison échiquéenne 2013/2014 commencera bientôt. À l’occasion vous trouverez le calendrier complet de la FLDE sur notre site dans le calendrier en ligne. The chess season 2013/2014 will start soon. You will find all the events from the FLDE … Continue reading

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Cours pour arbitres C du 25 octobre annulé

La Commission technique de la FLDE nous a informé que le cours pour arbitres C qui était prévu pour ce jeudi 25 octobre a été annulé. Un nouveau cours pour arbitres C sera organisé en novembre ou en décembre. Nous … Continue reading

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FIDE World Chess Championship between Anand and Gelfand

The World Chess Championship 2012 will be a match between the current world champion Viswanathan Anand and Boris Gelfand, winner of the Candidates tournament. The match will start on Friday the 11th of May. More info on the official World … Continue reading

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European Parliament supports “Chess in School” program!

Finally the Written Declaration 50/2011 for the implementation of the Chess in School program got enough votes in the European Parliament: 392 Members of Parliament signed the declaration. One hurdle is taken for the introduction of chess in the educational … Continue reading

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Bulgarian school introduces “Chess in schools”

As Die Deutsch Welle reports, a Bulgarian school is the first to introduce the “Chess in schools” program as part of a pilot project supported by the European Chess Union. As we reported earlier, a written declaration on the introduction of … Continue reading

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Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2012 has started

The renowned Tata Steel chess tournament in Wijk aan Zee in the Netherlands has started. The 74th edition takes place from 13 – 29 January 2012. Daily reports, standings, etc. can be found at the tournaments website: Probably the best way … Continue reading

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Exactly two months remaining for signature of EP written declaration on “Chess in School”

Following the presentation of the project “Chess in School” by Gary Kasparov to the European Parliament (EP) the 20th of September 2011 (see story on ChessVibes), a written declaration has been submitted to the EP end of November 2011. The … Continue reading

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European Team Chess Championships 2011 – Meilleures parties

Ronde 1 Russie –Moldavie 2,5-1,5 avec une grande surprise : Les Russes ont gagné 1,5 points pour rien au lieu d’avoir 0,5. Ici, au 1er échiquier (Svidler 2755 – Bologan 2665), le blanc perdra matière due à la pression exercée sur … Continue reading

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The chess paintings of Serkan Ergün

The Turkish painter Serkan Ergün has created an interesting digital art painting called “The World Chess Champions”. As the title indicates it pictures a meeting of all great chess champions, from Capablanca to Anand. Check out the digital art section … Continue reading

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18. Europameisterschaft der Nationalteams

Am Donnerstag, dem dritten November werden in Porto Carras (Griechenland) die “European Team Chess Championship” feierlich eröffnet. Gespielt werden bis zum Elften neun Runden Schweizer System, die für die Luxemburger Mannschaft eine echte Herausforderung sein werden. Nominiert wurden von der … Continue reading

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